Thursday 2 February 2012

Groundhog Day

It's Groundhog Day today...
Predictions are being made today about whether the winter weather will linger or the spring is just around the corner.
How do you go about making such a prediction?
By finding a famous groundhog like Wireton Willie or Shubenacadie Sam
and waiting for him to emerge from his burrow and see if his shadow scares him back down his hole.
How accurate is a prediction like this?
Well I guess there is a fifty percent chance or being right or wrong because there are only two outcomes to the question.
Todays general consensus from the groundhogs seems to be that spring is near....
With the thoughts of spring in the air today I thought I would share this photograph I took.....

"Spring Bush camp canoe in by train drop...Peterbell Ont."

Its a comfort to know that whether spring comes sooner or later...sooner or later it is coming!


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