Saturday 24 December 2011

Christmas Eve

Its Christmas Eve
Today I walked for miles in the bush following the snowy tracks of a fox out hunting.
The fox passed by swamps and through forest thickets looking
for mice and rabbits.  
I think the fox was just out for a to the possibilities of the was I.
Eventually I wound up on a rock ridge that overlooked a frozen beaver pond.... covered in fresh snow.
The air was crisp with the temperature around seven degrees below zero.....
A good day for a walk.
Nothing really happened on my walk....
I didnt see the fox...
  I didnt bring a rabbit or bird home for the pot...
It was just a nice day and a nice walk....
beautiful, silent and calm...
Some of my fondest memories in life have been realized from such simple 
experiences....uncomplicated and peacful, there for those open to looking....

Merry Christmas!


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