Monday 2 April 2012

Film Review

A couple of days ago I watched INTO THE WILD a film inspired by the story of Christopher McCandless. 
I picked this DVD up at the library...
The story is about a young man who is driven to travel to Alaska and live on his own in the bush.
It is a story of someone passionate about life but ill prepared for his journey....
Christopher travels to Alaska...attempts to live off the land, and dies of starvation....
I remember reading about this story as a news event a few years ago.
It was a tragic story to read about at the time it happened... 
Christopher's body was found decomposing in an old school bus two weeks after he died.

The film is  hard to watch at times but worth the effort...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

read the book and watch the movie a few years back and was touch by the story. It was a classic story of "if I only knew now what I thought I new then" and a bit of the youth immortal syndrome. Even with all the research Chris did he was still missing the small detail vision of experience !!!!....... Lin.